Sunday, June 26, 2011


Proposed plan for marketing / promotion

1.    Make posters about Quezon Memorial Circle showing its beauty and the fun activities, which could be done there.
2.    Make a website promoting the beauty and importance of the Quezon Memorial Circle.
3.    Endorse the Quezon Memorial Circle and Museum in Philippine Tour Packages.
4.    Endorse the place in newspapers, magazines and other printed media.
5.    Create stands on certain buildings inside the circle where a floor plan of the entire circle could be found. Or a map which could also serve as promotional brochures of the QMC can also be accessible to the visitors as they enter the area.
6.    Make a fan page for the Quezon Memorial Circle in Facebook.
7.    Make a TV commercial promoting Quezon Memorial Circle and its Museum and/or use TV programs and ask local artists to promote/advertise Circle.
8.    Make a music video promoting Quezon Memorial Circle and Museum as a tourist spot in the Philippines

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